『壹』 南越王是什么朝代的
















『贰』 河源越王山导游词


『叁』 急求广州南越王墓的简短导游词。


『肆』 南越王国的故事或典故,急!


















『伍』 哪位英语高人帮忙翻译一下西汉南越王墓3导游词

In 1997 the city Department of Cultural Affairs in the original plans for the construction of 51 foreign compound layer Sindh Cultural Square. 3-5 meters underground palace found in the entire Department of Royal Garden meandering stone Shiqu, 150 meters long, 4000 square meters has been excavated, is an artificial water garden. Shiqu tortuous, from west to east, drainage density Shop at the end of black gravel. Tung Tau have a meniscus-shaped stone pool, pool found the wreckage of hundreds of turtles, that it was raising the pond turtles, turtles may bepreference, so long life.so have stone steps and stone, even outside the. Shiqu bending for which there are two limits of the drainage water and water blocking weirs, so as to form and sparkling blue water. Shiqu iron in there and leaves,
Gyoen visible fruit and flowers are planted. Royal Garden can imagine all bridges, fruit fragrance, flowers, flowers, turtles reptiles, fish Xiang shallow end of a very elegant leisure, one Lingnan garden landscape scenery. Shiqu connect a large reservoir of water, and dark wooden trough exports to the Pearl River drainage, and maintain continuous flow all the year round. Royal Garden song Drainage Design Science, building sophisticated, full of fun, is an ancient landscape architecture landscape quality, to achieve a fairly high level. Royal Garden at the site of a total of seven times the overlap layer and found that the Qin, the South Vietnamese country, the Eastern Han Dynasty, Jin Dynasty, Southern Dynasties, Tang, Song period relic sites. Also found that all 83 wells ring the period
, During the country from South Vietnam to the Republic of China, and Doi, brick wells, tile wells, wooden wells, ring wells and pottery bamboo ring wells, reflecting the different cultural characteristics of the construction period. It is interesting to note that in particular gossip brick wells, eight vertical line block cross between brick brick, into the eight trigrams of the form, we can see that the ancients had to understand the principle of rigid mechanical structure, the building is indeed a very high technical level of wells.
Ancient Chinese wooden architecture are building, orbuilding, where the ancient city like Rome, built of stone knot in the ruins of the Qin and Han Dynasty in China is unique, does the Panyu has been building technology into the West? Of course, there will be the ground or wood construction, but only out of South Vietnam when the Western Han Dynasty set fire to it. Qu bending and drainage flow, separated by Jing Jing, small and, to the natural landscape in the courtyard between the microfilm, is a typical feature of the Oriental garden; completely different from the Western landscape with geometric symmetry box, made exhaustive list of garden-style (such as France Chateau de Versailles). We believe that
This stone is like building Rome, technologies, and combined with the Oriental style of gardening is that the South Vietnamese Royal Garden Palais des Nations Department of the National first character of the most prominent examples.
[South Vietnamese country palace ruins]
The center of the palace is in the early 2000 archaeologists discovered about 500 square meters of the palace site on the 1st, where we can clearly see the two former South Vietnam in 2000 the palace of the King "casual water" in the Tang Dynasty 1,300 years ago paving the corridor , 1000 4 years ago, the South Han Palace "stone plinth pier" foundation trench, as well as the structure of various types of construction sites. Bottom line we can see that there are cobbled rocks. According to the archaeological director of the Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the ancient palace-chu Liu archaeologists study presented here, which is usually gravel with Shop in the ancient palace of the ground under the eaves, rainwater is used to access the "casual water."
Structure of the Han Dynasty to gravel for the "casual water" is a class limit, if the ground around the palace roof were covered with "casual water" is a standard Palace, shops on both sides is the only criteria Wang. From this site, the north and east of the palace have paved the gravel "casual water", in accordance with the laws of China Construction symmetry, has not yet been unearthed in the west and south should also be paved with. In other words, this palace is the palace of South Vietnam in accordance with the construction of the Han. From the size, it may be the office of the local South Vietnamese Wang.believe that the palace must have more than one hall, there are similar Hall of Supreme Harmony in Beijing, China and the Middle Temple, Paul and Hall do? 30 years from his palace by the archaeological
Inspection to determine, and now unearthed a large hall, the south will no longer have a hall, it is estimated that more should be in the area west of the palace.

『陆』 急需西汉南越王墓、孙中山故居纪念堂、韶关南华寺、肇庆七星岩的英语导游词


『柒』 南越王的故事。要详细的


宫里 王翦跟秦国的最高的统帅谈起了他此次出征的感受。越人的战斗的那种的精神,对于生命的执著,深深地印在了秦军将领的心里。







屠睢效法秦国名将攻破东方六国时的战术,作战凶狠,希望一鼓而定,希望以武力服人。 可是事实并非如此,在战争的开始阶段,屠睢依靠强大的兵力上的优势,取得了不少的胜利,但是屠睢沉浸在杀人的快感中,但是,当时许多秦军的将领已经不再以杀人为乐,只要是真心实意地请降,大部分的将领都会同意。而且,屠睢杀得越人越多,仇恨他的越人就也越多,随着战争不断地进行,每攻下一个地方屠睢就要派兵驻守,当占领的地方越来越多的时候,此消彼长,屠睢手中的兵士就越来越少了。而且,越人也改变了最开始同秦军硬碰的作战的方针,改为偷袭,夜袭,杀守卫,烧军营。毁道路,劫粮车。秦军不是陷入乏粮的窘境,就是陷入兵力的不足,虽然越人的攻击是零星的,不成气候的,但是越人积少成多,屠睢明白过来的时候,为时已晚。他的大营已经被俞宋部族的人烧毁,屠睢也差点丧命。





面对秦军的强大的攻势,西呕部落立刻就陷入了进退维谷的境地,西呕部落的首领俞宋向来仗着部落的强大起伏邻近的部族,在任嚣和赵佗的攻击下,西呕部落已经退无可退。建赵佗和俞宋的女儿荔女邂逅。赵佗这样为俞宋开脱,显然是由私人的目的的。任嚣拒绝了赵佗的议。俞宋的女儿看上了赵佗,希望自己的父亲能和秦军和解。希望父亲能够亲自去秦军的大营去负荆请罪。求得秦军的谅解。可经过上次屠睢进军岭南时血腥的俞宋坚决的不同意。决心要跟秦军战斗到最后一个人。 秦军已经对西呕部落形成了合围之势。朝廷也派了钦差。此行要把俞宋的人头带回咸阳。荔女找到赵佗说,只要能放过自己的父亲一马。按照越族的习俗。自己将立刻决定自己的终身大事。公子扶苏托人传话给任嚣和赵佗。希望俩人在岭南的战场上替他争一口气。有蒙恬在北,他们两人在南。大事可定。希望他们不要意气用事。以大局为重。公子扶苏、老师任嚣、朝廷来使、俞宋、俞宋的爱女荔枝的压力都在考验着赵佗。考验着他。













『捌』 西汉南岳王博物馆导游词600字


『玖』 哪位英语高人帮忙翻译一下西汉南越王墓5导游词

Western Han Dynasty is located in the liberation of South Road of King Kong as a hill, is the Kingdom of the Western Han Dynasty in the early years of second-generation South Vietnamese ignorant of the tomb of Zhao. Zhao Mei is the grandson of the more carry on the back, known as Wen, 137 BC to 122 years in office. Discovered in 1983, the archaeological finds in the "line Xi Wen" The Indian side as well as the chapter of "Zhao Mei" Indian jade, to prove the identity of the tomb owner.

Level off hilltops for the hills South King, from Split Rock岗顶as 20 meters, carved a Plane "convex"竖穴character, from the front of the east and the west side of open hole horizontal ear into room, open up the south slope墓道. To the rock tomb replica soongorica sleep before the Church of the shapes after the underground structure, with 24 stone墓顶coverage, and then layered together to lay a solid foundation. Replica tomb built his residence, tomb ride south, a total of 7 d after the first three rooms, 12.5 meters wide, 10.85 meters long. Home owner in the back room, after the lobby of the Treasury, the former Department of things for the ear room for rear things侧室. From a total of 15 objects, of which 4 were姬妾, servant 7. Before the front room walls and roof are all decorated with ink and white satin cloud patterns; East Room is the banquets Appliances ears, there are bronze bells, stone chimes and mention extinguishers, Fang, Pei, such as wine and board, such as six-Bo; Room ears are weapons, vehicles, horses, armor, arrows, Goshiki Healing Stone and living supplies, possession of the treasures, in particular, precious银盒from the Persian, African ivory,漆盒, smoked and deep-blue glass furnace . These relics prove that the country of South Vietnam ring the early or pre-Guangzhou with Persia and the east coast of Africa, there are sea-borne trade. The rear of the main room center, the main room for the owner of the tomb coffin, wearing a silk thread owner jade clothes, carry the seal 9, the largest one as a "line Xi Wen" Dragon Jinyin button, in addition to the tiger Varicorhinus button "Indian Emperor" , turtle button "Yasuko" golden chapter of Indian as well as the owner of the tomb, "Zhao Mei" India and other jade.姬妾possession of the eastern side of the room for room, object姬妾4 per capita and India have a wife. Easement on the west side of the room for the kitchen, the objects 7, no coffin, rear room of pigs, cattle, sheep三牲. Room after the possession of the Treasury for the storage of food, there are nearly a hundred pieces of large-scale copper, iron, ceramic cooking utensils and containers. A total of over a thousand pieces of archaeological finds (sets), the Indian is the first emperor of Han Dynasty unearthed in Jinyin. These archaeological finds in the study of Qin and Han Dynasties to work Lingnan development, proction, culture, trade, construction, etc. as well as the history of South Vietnam and other countries are of great value. King of the South Vietnamese text unearthed, as the modern Chinese archaeologists found one of the top five freshmen. South Western Han Dynasty King museum has not opened up. Are on the mausoleum and some precious relics for more detail.

[Large stone chamber tomb paintings]
Large stone chamber tomb painting is a large stone chamber tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, is the owner of the tomb on behalf of the South Vietnamese country's second king, Zhao Mei (赵佗the Sun), more than 2,000 years ago.

In 1983, in the liberation of North Hill Gang as a site of this tomb was found in depth of 20 meters underground, with more than 750 building blocks of sandstone boulders. The tomb of an area of about 100 square meters, hours before and after the two parts, a total of seven rooms. Before the middle room, rooms are painted on all sides and at the top have Chinese, Mexican and white moire pattern, a symbol of朝堂. Resial slope墓道long 10.46 meters, width 2.36 - 2.59 meters.墓内before and after the two parts, each with one pairs of Shihmen fan.

King is the Lingnan region of South Vietnam discovered the largest and most diverse archaeological finds, in his capacity as owner of the tomb were the highest specifications of a tomb is found in China so far ring the first large stone chamber tomb mural painting. The underground tomb of treasure can be a total of unearthed cultural relics of various kinds of more than 1000 pieces (sets), the connotation of a very rich, particularly in copper, iron, pottery, jade the largest share of the four. And "line Xi Wen" The archaeological excavations in China and India are found for the first time the "Emperor" in India Yuxi, the most valuable.

King of the South Vietnamese found that their social, historical, cultural and scientific value of the land has not only shocked the Lingnan, and alerted the country, the world-famous, from the archaeological community, the community to the media, are surprising. Some evaluation of this is "the countless people struggling to explore the 2000 years of secrecy, China's archaeological history of the discovery of one of the most glorious."'s Tomb of the baby was described as: "Treasures from the brilliant," "golden," "sparkling silver" "Jade is the most", "Biyu treasure", "rare treasure", "Han-yu must of valuable goods," there are many "rare", "first", "only", "unique" "absolutely fine", "can not be replaced" and the top rating. Xinhua News Agency as the broadcast and the "People's Daily" published articles and other media, the whole world is a strong feeling that the Chinese ancient culture of the Lingnan region of the shock, at the same time, but also stimulate people to search for the tomb of赵佗hope seems lost exposed

『拾』 哪位英语高人帮忙翻译一下西汉南越王墓4导游词

At present, only unearthed in the corner of South King Palace, Palace of the group of less than 1%, yet the main part of his palace. Because it is now "casual water" unearthed only 22 meters, yet to see a higher level and the threshold, it is estimated that the North Hall of the wall on the 1st of more than 50 meters in length. Have information on, the early Han Dynasty in Xi'an长乐宫building from east to west前殿Zhangting 50, and up to 200 meters while未央宫.
Based on current clues, hidden in the underground palace of South Vietnam should be a lot of blocks! And each are a group of buildings. South King Palace is based on the construction of the Western Han Chang'an, Chang'an town has未央宫,长乐宫, Mingguang Palace, Palace and other GUI palaces, and each function of the palace is not the same, is that the emperor未央宫leaders North Korea will群臣place, and it is the emperor长乐宫Empress office and bedroom. King had been unearthed in South Vietnam and India have a "Chang'an Palace" is the seal, and now I unearthed the Chang'an Palace Hall will do?

According to the Western Han Chang'an city planning, city未央宫in the southwest, southeast长乐宫in the city, and Jianzhang Palace in the west outside the city.未央宫and are built in长乐宫Longshou high plateau on the ground, use of the topography of the parents to highlight the emperor and took control of the commanding heights of the city, in favor of cities and the emperor's own security. Han emperor Liu Bang长乐宫received in the initial朝贺when civil and military群臣proudly said: "I do know that the noble king." One of the palace is now the site is the Yu Shan in ancient high ground, is located southeast of the city of赵佗side, the location and the location of the Western Han Dynasty长乐宫similar to the southeast side is the Royal Garden for royal leisure and recreational purposes. Therefore, I will be长乐宫Hall? Worth considering.

Guangzhou municipal government has planned the construction site of the Department of the South Vietnamese museums Palais des Nations, it is estimated that more than 10 billion to spend. Only to the cost of the current has reached more than 500 million yuan, not including the cost of the relocation of house demolition. Mayor Lin said: "The loss of land for construction of a few can be the loss of the value of heritage can not come with money count. Wealth left behind by our ancestors can not be defeated by the hands of our generation."

2, the Western Han Dynasty King Nanyue