Ⅰ 假如你是桂林的一位导游,请写一篇60词左右的英语短文,向你的朋友介绍来桂林游玩的一些相关情况。 急求

满意回答2013-04-02 00:55
guiling is located in the north of Guangxi province,China
As we all know that guiling is famous for its amazing and natural sceneries
the weather of guiling is comparably warmer than other parts of China
and the most famous scenery in guiling is the elephant nose mountain

Ⅱ 假如你是一名导游 用英语来介绍一下桂林

Guilin is located in the northeast of the guangxi zhuang autonomous region, is China's famous scenic city and the historical and cultural cities, enjoys the reputation landscape enjoys. In the center, including around 12 counties, have vast primeval forest, the green mountains and valleys of its XiQuan the torrent rushing waterfalls, JiJue under the mountain, zhuang, yao terrace, miao, dong, someone

(桂林位于广西壮族自治区的东北部,是中国著名的风景游览城市和历史文化名城,享有山水甲天下之美誉。以桂林市为中心,包含周围12个县,有浩瀚苍翠的原始森林,雄奇险峻的峰峦幽谷,激流奔腾的溪泉瀑布,天下奇绝的高山梯田,有壮、瑶、苗、侗、仫象鼻山是桂林的城徽山,是桂林旅游的标志山,它坐落在桂林市中心的漓江与桃花江汇流处,形似一头鼻子伸进漓江饮水的巨象,象鼻和象腿之间是面积约一百五十平米的圆洞,江水穿洞而过,如明月浮水。坐落西岸的象山水月与漓江东岸的穿月岩相对,一挂于天,一浮于水,形成“漓江双月”的奇特景观桥七星公园位于桂林市区漓江东岸,小东江流贯其间,占地面积600余亩,因七星山的七个山峰,犹如天上的北斗七星坠地而得名。公园内有“北斗七星”、“驼峰赤霞”、“月牙虹影”、“普陀石林”等胜景,占有山、江、洞、石之美。 漓江是世界上风光最秀丽的河流之一。漓江发源于“华南第一峰”桂北越城岭猫儿山,那是个林丰木秀,空气清新,生态环境极佳的地方。漓江上游主流称六峒河;南流至兴安县司门前附近,东纳黄柏江,西受川江,合流称溶江;由溶江镇汇灵渠水,流经灵川、桂林、阳朔,至平乐,长160公里,称漓江)

Ⅲ 关于桂林十里画廊的英文导游词

In ten the gallery is located in Gucheng, the Longtan Grand Canyon, north of the village, South to Wan Xing Cun, a total length of 28 li. The canyon twists and turns, but the wide and narrow valley flat. The valley like a sective meandering forward extension gallery. The Grand Canyon, steep mountains, deep valleys, qifengyidan projections, Lin Xiuzhu full jian. Ming and Qing Dynasties dwellings, stone tombstone, rock cave, ancient cottage, Five Dragon Lake Tianchi palace, Yunxiao cave, the inside of the gallery can be described as a step by step in the king of ten, picturesque everywhere.
Ten Gallery 5 km long canyon on both sides, verdant trees, wild flowers fragrance; qifengyidan, like a huge picture in different poses and with different expressions, landscape painting, side by side hanging over a thousand Ren cliffs, the beautiful natural wonders into Xian Shi painting ink Danqing, into ten galleries along with rotating attic, longevity welcome, old people, husband and wife Brussels, three sisters and other attractions.
Located in the scenic valley, is the essence of tourism in the scenic area, in this long valley on both sides of the more than ten years, has a wealth of natural landscape, ring which the people in the painting. Dai Feng ditch next to screen out, rock formed in 200 to honour like people like, like a bird like a beast of the stone shape, the "Peacock", "old people", "welcome", "tiger roar day" is the most famous.
In ten the gallery is about five kilometers long, on both sides of verdant trees, wild flowers fragrance; qifengyidan, in different poses and with different expressions, like a huge picture of the landscape, side by side hanging over thousand Maninsan cliffs, the absolutely beautiful natural wonders view into the immortal painting ink danqing. Enter the ten galleries along with rotating attic, welcome, old people, two bell ten main attractions.

Ⅳ 关于桂林蝴蝶泉的英文导游词


Ⅳ 我是广西桂林的,想考全国英语导游证,有几个问题想请问,谢谢!


Ⅵ 跪求桂林两江四湖英文导游词

A brief introction to Dreams on water ,
Dream Tour of Guilin Water System

Dreams on water – two rivers and four lakes in Guilin refers to Li river , Taohua river and Ronghu lake ,Shahu lake ,Guihu lake , Mulong lake which from Dream Tour of Guilin Water SystemWater-tour of Guilin started in tang dynasty and was popular in song dynasty ,when there were many lakes and ponds here and there in Guilin city , and the water system was very developed. People could enjoy all the well-known scenic spots by a small boat. However ,with the changes of times, the “two rivers and four lakes ” were cut off , the Guilin Water System was fragmented and the water quality was worsened. In 1998, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Administration carried out the “Two River and Four Lakes” project: connecting the rivers and lakes, greening the hills and cleaning the water, cleaning the slit and dirt, drawing water into lakes, building the roads, putting up the bridges, greening up and beautifying, cultural construction, etc. This project has not only resumed and expanded the old Guilin water system, improved the ecological environment of the city center area and developed the grade and quality of the city, but the pleasure boats have also been sailing on the water of the city again. The recreational landscape which is superb in China can be compared well with the special water-tours in the cities like the “water city ” Venice, the Seine River Paris and the Amsterdam canal.

Today Dream tour of Guilin Water System has operated the day-and-night tour that is a new cruise line in Guilin. Therefore, the tourists can not only visit three scenic spots with their indivial characteristics, but also appreciate the famous traditional hills along the water system in the pleasure boat. The three scenic spots are Chinese classical garden –Ronghu、Shahu lakes scenic spot, the harmony-of-man-with-natural ecological garden –Guihu lake scenic spot , the song dynasty historic cultural garden –Mulong lake scenic spot ,where you can enjoy the newly-built famous Bridges Exposition Garden, Famous Flowers, Trees and Weeds Exposition Garden, Pavilions and Towers Exposition Garden , and sculpture Exposition Garden. The famous traditional hills are the Elephant Hill, FuBo Hill, Yao Hill, BaoJi Hill and Laoren Hill, etc. It is different from the Li river natural hills and waters that Dreams Tour of Guilin Water System stresses the profound sediment of history and connotations of culture which are possessed by Guilin as a Chinese famous historical and cultural city. After resuming and connecting of the Guilin Water System, many important cultural relics – the Sheli Tower(tang dynasty), the song city wall, the former Residence of LI Jishen and the place where general Ye Ting was imprisoned, which have long been consigned to oblivion and forgotten, have also been repaired, protected and excavated. The profound historical culture, beautiful natural hills and waters and good ecological environment in Guilin have been in perfect harmony in Guilin water system.
In the future ,Guilin water system will be a gold waterway and enjoy equal renown with Li river.

Ⅶ 我是桂林的 ,明天要去面试和应聘英语导游了,急问几个问题~~

